Change Post Author Name in Blogger Blog

Post Author Name in Blogger : After publishing a post on your blogger blog , the posted by author name will display below posts in your blogger blog. We can see author name of the posts below every posts next to the posted by in your blogger blog. The name which displaying in your blogger posts is the profile name of your Google plus. All the blogs in your same blogger account will have show same author name. We can change the author name of the blog by changing the your Google profile name and that changed name will assigned to your all blogger blogs . We can also change the author name in particular blogger blog with out changing the Google profile name.

How to Change Post Author Name in Blogger Blog  : 

It is better to change the author name of the blogger blog with out changing the Google plus profile name. In this post i'm explaining about how to change the post author name in particular blogger blog . By simply doing some changes in your blogger template code we can easily change the author name next to the posted by text below all posts in your blogger blog. This method is easy to follow.

Follow below steps to change author name of the posts in Blogger blog

Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 : Click on Template

Step 3 : Click on Edit HTML

Step 4 :  Search <>  in your Blogger template code

Replace <>  with Author name

You can see the many <>  lines in your template code , just replace all with Author name.

Step 5 : Click on Save template.

Now go to your Blogger blog and see the replaced author name next to posted by in all blog posts on your Blogger. It is the best method to replace/change the post author name in a particular Blogger blog.


  1. thanks for this post,, i just changed my full name to my code name.

    here is my blog. hope you can suggest ideas to make it better:)

  2. wow thanks,
    very helpfull post
    i can change my bloger author name
    my blog is

  3. still cannot change it :/ it doesn't appear anywhere

  4. Thanks mate your rock...............

  5. its not working for me, it can't find that in the code i even just searched the word author and it doesn't find anything. Maybe its the template I am using, idk.

  6. This worked fine for changing to my code name in the Web view but Mobile view still shows my previous name. What to do?

  7. Thanks, :"You can see many in your template" that last word helping me to change the Author name ... :)

  8. hi guyz someone help me to change author name on my blog, when i share on my facebook page the post shows this (by xxxxx) help guyz its urgent

  9. thanks a lot this is really awesome.....

  10. how to change the link on Author Name?

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