hide blog title and description from header on blogger

How to hide blog title and description from header on Blogger:
Hide blog title and description from Blogger header

We can delete or hide the blog title and description from the Blogger blog header. Without adding any CSS code, we can easily remove the blog title and description from the header.

Follow below steps to hide blog title and description from Blogger header 

Step 1 : Go to Blogger dashboard

Step 2 : Click on template

Step 3 : Click on edit template and tick expand widget templates box

Step 4 :
To Delete blog title
search for below code

.Header h1 {
  font: $(header.font);
  color: $(header.text.color);
  text-shadow: 0 0 $(title.shadow.spread) #000000;

 and add  display:none; just below above code to delete blog title. 

To Delete blog description
 search for below code

.Header .description {
  font: $(description.font);
  color: $(description.text.color);

 and add  display:none;  just below above code to delete blog description

 Step 5 : Click on Save template.


  1. Thank you this worked for me!

  2. thank you - this worked for me too! woohoo

  3. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic post.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

  4. Where is the 'edit template' button? Do you mean 'edit HTML'?

  5. Hi J. yes, it's not edit template, it's edit HTML

  6. hi friend , i want this with video , plzzzz make video about this

  7. Hallelujah! Thanks for saving me a bunch of time!

  8. Please I mistakenly removed header from my layout and want to retrieve it back how do I bringing it back

    1. Click on Layout --> Click on Add a Gadget on header section --> Add Page Header widget --> Click on Save

  9. Thanks to u!!! it worked correctly, but i commented it insteed to delete the code!
