hide or remove specific blogger share button

How to hide/remove a specific Blogger share button :

By default Blogger's share buttons will appear below posts in Blogger blog. You can hide or remove those default share buttons in your Blogger blog. You can also hide or remove specific Blogger share button. It is easy to remove Blogger share buttons. You can hide share buttons by adding CSS code to your Blogger.

Follow below steps to hide/remove a specific Blogger share button on your blog :

Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 : Click on Template and click on Edit HTML.

Step 3: Search <b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'> 
 and </b:includable>

In between above 2 lines, all Blogger's share buttons code will appear.

Suppose if you want to remove twitter share button, then find and delete below code from share buttons code

<b:if cond='data:top.showTwitterButton'><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' expr:href='data:post.sharePostUrl + &quot;&amp;target=twitter&quot;' expr:title='data:top.shareToTwitterMsg' target='_blank'><span class='share-button-link-text'><data:top.shareToTwitterMsg/></span></a></b:if>
Like this you can remove remaining share buttons. Keep this code, if you want to add this share buttons again to your Blogger blog. Just add exact deleted code to add again to your Blogger.

You can also hide specific share button without deleting. If you want to hide share buttons without deleting, the follow below procedure.

How to hide specific share button on your Blogger :

Step 1 : Go to Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 : Click on Template

Step 3 : Click on Customise

Step 4 : Click on Advance and click on Add CSS

Suppose if you want to hide twitter share button then add below CSS code.

.sb-twitter {
display: none !important;

Step 5: Click on Apply to blog

Now check once whether twitter button is hide or not.

Like this you can hide any share buttons. Just replace button name after .sb- in the above CSS code.
I.e.sb-enter share button names(mail/blog/twitter/facebook){
display: none !important;

If  you want to get back share buttons, simply delete that CSS code.

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