How to Check Keyword Ranking on Google

Checking keyword rankings in search engines regularly is crucial. By monitoring keyword positions, you can assess your competition. All SEO professionals regularly check keyword rankings on major search engines. This technique is commonly employed to improve blog rankings on search engines.

There are two ways to check keyword rankings on search engines. The first method is the basic approach, and the second method involves using tools. In this post, we will focus on checking keyword rankings on Google.

How to Check Keyword Ranking on Google Manually :

The basic method of checking keyword rankings on Google is simply typing the keywords into the search engine's search box and observing their position in the search engine results. This method typically provides accurate results.

For example, if you want to check the ranking position of the query "How to Check Keyword Ranking on Google" on Google, you would enter "How to Check Keyword Ranking on Google" into the Google search box and check its position among the top 100 results.

As we have previously discussed how to check blog indexing on Google, you can perform a similar process to verify indexing. By typing "" into the Google search box, you will receive a list of all indexed pages on Google's results page.

Once your pages are listed on Google, you can proceed to check the keyword rankings on Google by typing the keywords and searching for their respective positions.

How to Check Keyword Ranking on Google Using Tools :

To quickly check keyword rankings in Google, it is recommended to use keyword ranking tools. These tools are user-friendly and provide accurate results. To find keyword rankings using such tools, you simply need to enter the page URL and the desired keyword in the tool's search box. There are numerous tools available on the internet for this purpose.

Google Webmaster also provides some information about keywords ranked on Google, but the results may sometimes vary. For more reliable and consistent results, using keyword ranking tools is preferred. One example of a simple tool for checking keyword rankings is the Keyword Position Tool from Smallseotools.

What are the reasons for checking keyword rankings on Google?

Checking keyword rankings helps with:
  • Tracking keyword positions on search engines.
  • Identifying your competitors.

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